B-Hub Launches Green Competition 2017

“It’s a great opportunity to influence actual change,” remarked the Unit Supervisor of the Center for Continuing Education at Birzeit University, Olga Albatran, at the opening event for the 2017 Green Competition.

The student-organized event, held on November 23,  outlined the competition goals, rules, and requirements: “Any student or graduate at Birzeit University may register for the competition, as well as form teams with other Birzeit students or students and graduates from other universities,” said the Organization Development Specialist at the Center for Continuing Education, Baher Dkedik.

“Birzeit faculty members,” he added, “can also attend the competition, provided they are part of a team with students from the University. The rules are simple: we want ideas that solve environmental problems in local communities or generated by local private companies. Burning trash in a local neighborhood, for example.”

Albatran underscored the importance of students solving actual, local, environmental problems: “We don’t want our students to patch the ozone layer; we want them to think of and implement answers to ecological problems. And the students aren’t going to do this alone. We’ve recruited the help of faculty members from the Engineering and Technology Faculty, as well as experts from the Institute of Environmental and Water Studies here at Birzeit.”  

“We’re not only driving a culture of environmentally-forward thinking, but also a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation: students can help their local communities and companies save their surrounding environment, or they can create their own business doing just that,” Albatran further added.

You can visit the Green Competition 2017 page or the B-Hub website for more information.