The First International Graduate Student Conference in the Social Sciences

Students of the Ph.D. Program in Social Sciences cordially invite you to the First International Graduate Student Conference in Social Sciences at Birzeit University, entitled, “Towards Anti-Hegemonic Knowledge Paradigms: Space, Place, Mobility and Power.” The conference brings together more than 25 graduate students, along with post-doctoral scholars and early career academics, from around the world, including places such as India, Nigeria, Brazil, Thailand, Italy, Britain and the USA.

“Towards Anti-Hegemonic Knowledge Paradigms: Space, Place, Mobility and Power” explores new anti-hegemonic paradigms and their potential role in understanding socio-economic and political struggles.

We will spend the three days analyzing current power relations and ways to defy and challenge them. As our conference title suggests, our purpose is to dissect issues of knowledge production about the Global South in relation to the politics of space and place, mobility and power.

To confirm your attendance, kindly register via this link. Please note: registration is necessary if you are not a student or a faculty member at Birzeit University, as the conference coincides with the Students Union Elections. All attendees must be registered beforehand to enter the campus.

Simultaneous translation will be provided in all sessions.
