Association of Arab Universities

The Association of Arab Universities (AARU) is a non-governmental organization that has an independent legal character, established in 1964 upon a resolution issued by the Arab League. Its membership includes at present 350 Arab Universities spread over 22 Arab countries who have been has been working through its affiliated institutions and centers to establish quality assurance policies and mechanisms, internationalize higher education,  build up mutual cooperation with the global society, and  develop future oriented innovation strategy. It also open doors to all members to see other experiences all over the world through conferences, networking and capacity building.


The mission of AARU aims at "assisting and coordinating the efforts of Arab Universities to prepare capable graduates who can serve their Arab communities and preserve its unified culture and civilization, as well as to assist in developing its natural resources," through seeking to achieve the following goals:

  • Striving to make the Arabic language as the main language of instruction at Arab universities, in addition to recognizing other vital global languages, and considering unifying scientific terms and translation.
  • Establishing research centers, support joint scientific research and knowledge exchange, especially in topics related to the Arab economic and social development
  • Enhancing cooperation amongst Arab universities and institutes of higher education in order to realize the Arab national goals, keeping up with the global development in teaching methods and techniques
  • Coordinating efforts amongst Arab universities at international assemblies and conferences
  • Supporting and organizing joint activities between Arab universities to promote  students’ excellence and creativity
  • Paving the way for cooperation amongst Arab universities in terms of teaching methods and facilities including libraries, laboratories and other relevant issues as well.
  • Promoting quality assurance and accreditation in the Arab Universities.